Non surgical facelift in Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Procedure time60 and up
Recovery time2-3 days
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Elevate your beauty

Are you tired of looking older than you feel?

Imagine having a more defined jawline, lifted cheeks, and a smoother forehead without the recovery time and risks associated with surgery. You can look and feel your best without missing a beat.

Book a consultation with Dr Natalya today at our clinic Desert Bloom in Scottsdale and learn more about non-surgical facelift. Take the first step towards more youthful and refreshed you.

About PDO facelift

Non-surgical facelift is a non-invasive procedure that uses PDO (polydioxanone) or PLLA (poly L- lactic acid) threads to lift and tighten the skin, improving the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin. The cost of the procedure typically starts at around $2500, but can vary depending on the number of threads used, and the areas being treated.

The procedure usually takes around 60-90 minutes. Recovery time is 2-3 days, but might take up to a week, depending on individual pain tolerance. Common side effects include mild pain, swelling, and redness at the injection site.

These side effects usually resolve within a few days.

What is threading face lift?

A PDO thread face lift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses temporary sutures (threads) to lift and tighten sagging skin on the face. 

PDO threads are absorbable sutures made from flexible material called polydiaxanone, which has been used in various surgical procedures since 1970. 

The threads, which are similar to those used in surgical procedures, are inserted through small incisions in the skin and then pulled to lift and reposition the skin.

One of the types of threads used in a thread face lift are the PDO barbed threads. These threads are unique in that they have small barbs or cogs along the length of the thread, which help to grip the skin and provide a more secure lift. 

Facial lifting thread

Who is a good candidate for a thread lift?

The ideal patient group for a thread lift is generally between the ages of 40 and 65 years old, and are concerned with noticeable nasolabial folds (lines that run from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth), marionette lines (lines that run from the corner of the mouth to the chin), and jowls (sagging skin along the jawline). These are all signs of aging that can be effectively treated with a thread lift.

It’s also important to have realistic expectations for the procedure. A thread lift is not as dramatic as a surgical facelift, but it can improve the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles. It is not a treatment for severe skin sagging or wrinkles. A thread lift is best for those who want to improve their appearance but are not ready for a surgical facelift.

It’s important to note that every person’s skin condition and requirements are different, so it’s always recommended to consult with a qualified professional and have a clear idea of the expectations and possible risks before the procedure.

Procedure facial contouring

How does a thread lift work?

The procedure consists of inserting PDO threads via a dull cannula instrument through small openings in the temple, hidden in the hairline. During the procedure, the cannula glides between the skin and a muscle within the superficial fat layer. Four to five threads are placed on each side to provide a multi-dimensional lift.

The threads are inserted into the skin and then pulled to lift and reposition the skin. The threads are anchored in place, providing support to the skin and creating a lift. The barbs on the threads also create small injuries in the skin that stimulate collagen production, which can improve the overall tone and texture of the skin.

Doctor injecting PDO thread into the face

What kind of anesthesia is used during the procedure?

At the Desert Bloom Clinic, the PDO nonsurgical facelift procedure is performed under local anesthesia. This means that the patient will be awake during the procedure, but they will not feel any pain as the area where the threads will be inserted is numbed.

In addition to local anesthesia, the clinic also uses Pro-Nox (laughing gas) during the procedure. Pro-Nox is a self-administered gas that the patient inhales through a mask. It is designed to reduce anxiety and discomfort during the procedure. This is a great option for patients who may feel anxious or nervous about the procedure.

The clinic also uses a Zimmer cooler to cool the skin during the procedure for added patient comfort. The cooler works by blowing chilled air onto the skin, which helps to numb the area and reduce discomfort during the procedure.

It’s important to note that the type of anesthesia used may vary depending on the individual case.  Dr. Natalya Borakowski will discuss the options with you and recommend the best choice for your needs and comfort level.

laughing gas


A thread facelift offers several advantages over a surgical facelift, which is performed by plastic surgeons.

One of the advantages of a thread facelift is that it is a minimally invasive procedure. A thread facelift does not require general anesthesia or extensive recovery time. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and typically takes less than an hour to complete.

A thread facelift is also a relatively affordable cosmetic procedure compared to a surgical facelift, and with less risks, less downtime and less recovery time.


One of the key benefits of a PDO thread face lift is the stimulation of collagen production. As we age, the natural production of collagen decreases, leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, and a loss of volume. The barbed threads, in particular, create micro-injuries in the skin, triggering the body’s natural healing response, which results in an increase in collagen production.

Facelift PDO before and after

Preparing for a thread lift

Preparing for a non invasive face lift is an important step in ensuring a successful procedure and a smooth recovery. Here are some things to consider when preparing for a thread lift:

Consultation: Before the procedure, you will have a consultation with Dr. Natalya Borakowski, licensed naturopathic physician with extensive knowledge and training in dermatology and minor surgery, to discuss your concerns and goals for the procedure. During this consultation, she will examine your skin and discuss the best options for you.

Avoid blood thinners: You should also avoid blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain supplements for at least two weeks before and after the procedure, as they may increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

Recovery time: You will need to take 2-3 days off to rest and recover, and you should avoid strenuous activities or exercise for at least a week.

Follow post-operative instructions: Dr. Natalya will provide you with post-operative instructions, including how to care for the incision sites, how to reduce swelling, and when to return for follow-up appointments. Following these instructions is crucial for a smooth recovery.

Woman looking in the mirror

What to expect after a thread lift

Swelling and Bruising: Expect to experience some swelling and bruising for a few days post-procedure. This is normal and will subside within a week.

Pain: There may be some mild pain or discomfort in the treated area. You can take over-the-counter pain medication to help manage the pain.

Redness and Itchiness: You may experience some redness and itchiness around the incision sites. This is normal and should subside within a few days.

Limited Mobility: It’s important to avoid strenuous activities or exercise for at least a week after the procedure. You should also avoid bending, lifting, or straining the treated area.

Follow-up Appointments: Your practitioner will schedule follow-up appointments to check on your progress and make sure that you are healing well.

Results: The final results of a thread lift are not immediate. It may take a few weeks to see the full effects of the procedure. The final results will depend on the individual’s skin condition, age, and the number of threads used.

It’s important to note that these are common side effects of the procedure, but every person’s body reacts differently, so the side effects and recovery time may vary.

Side effects PDO

Last word about PDO threads facelift

A non-surgical facelift is a great option for those who want to achieve a more youthful appearance without going under the knife. Treatments such as Botox, neck lift, and dermal fillers can be used for facial rejuvenation and to contour and tighten the skin. Combining treatments like skin resurfacing with a thread lift procedure can improve the texture and tone of your facial skin, giving you a more refreshed and youthful appearance.

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to combat aging and restore a youthful appearance to your skin, a PDO thread lift at the Desert Bloom Skin Care Center with Dr. Natalya Borakowski may be the perfect solution.

Say goodbye to saggy skin and hello to a revitalized, refreshed look with this natural, long-lasting treatment. Book your consultation today to learn more.


Consultation in skin care clinic

Desert Bloom Skincare Center offers personalized skincare consultation to help you achieve a flawless and radiant complexion. Book your appointment today and let our expert team of skincare professionals address your specific concerns and help you reach your skincare goals.

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10752 N 89th place suite 122B. Scottsdale AZ 85260