3 things to note before getting injections
This article discusses three important things to consider before getting any type of injection, including aesthetic injections. The article provides useful information for individuals considering injections as a cosmetic.
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No Supplements Prior
First, let’s talk about medical supplements. Fish oil, along with anti-inflammatory supplements promote blood thinning and therefore leave you prone to more bruising/swelling when receiving injections. Second and most important, supplements like alcohol cause our blood vessels to become wider, therefore taking up more space and increasing your risk of bruising and inflammation – which creates discomfort. So avoid alcohol the night before your injection appointment and all blood thinning supplements and medications, such as fish oil, aspirin, ibuprofen at least a week prior to your appointment.
Do Your Research
All esthetic treatments come with a variety of products, methods, styles, benefits and effects. It is ultimately up to your doctor to provide the best treatment option for your specific needs, however, it is up to you to choose the right practitioner. Most doctors practice in a way which is unique to their experience and specialty, so make sure to do your extensive research beforehand to find the right person for your unique desires!
Plan Ahead
While most injections require very little to no downtime and are typically instant results, we often forget the pre/post treatment downtime needed for the injections to settle around our routines. For example, working out is not recommended after injections due to increased blood flow and natural inflammation of the body, as well as risk of infection within the first 24 hours post treatment. Another great example – A photoshoot or public event days after injections is never ideal, given the initial 7 day period for bruising and swelling to subside. Always plan ahead and give your body grace to naturally heal!